You can’t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf


Next session on Tuesday 7th at 7.30

Our events are free, unless otherwise indicated, but donations towards costs are welcome.

Suggested donations for those who can afford it:

    • £3 for a half hour group session
    • £5 for an hour group session
    • £10 for a half day group session
    • £25 for a full day group session
    • £25 for an hour individual session

    If you can’t afford the above, any amount is welcome, or you are welcome to have the session for free. The most important thing is for you to benefit from our sessions.

    If you are happy to make a donation to The Mindfulness Network then click here and if you can then register for gift aid.  

    If you prefer to pay Ken,   or you can pay with paypal to or use a card with the button below.