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A lot of mindfulness course participants want to know what mindfulness can do for them. This is especially true at the beginning of a course before they start experiencing benefits themselves. Here are some areas to explore.

Read what the NHS says about mindfulness? And here are some NHS suggestions regarding mental wellbeing.

Breath works and Vidyamala Burch have lots online about mindfulness and health, especially pain management.

Living with palinddromic rheumatism, a blog by Ruth Rosselson

The Connection is a documentary that focuses on mind-body interaction. You can watch the first 15 minutes for free. Let me know if you would like a group watch of the whole documentary.

Jon Kabat-Zinn on the benefits of meditation on psoriasis

Jon Kabat-Zinn on foundational attitudes of mindfulness

Herbert Benson on thyroid disorders and the relaxation response.

Ruby Wax on Mindfulness and Mental Health

Julie Myerson article in the Guardian on her experience of MBCT.

Ellen Langer on how mindfulness impacts ageing, health and creativity. 

Amy Cuddy on how your body shapes who you are. Try power posing to lift your mood.

Shauna Shapiro on Intention, Attention and Attitude, on Mindfulness and the Brain, and on what you practice grows stronger

Tim Clark on his experience of mindfulness

Compassion training is talked about by Kristin Neff

A BBC article on mindfulness with someone who has lupus.

Michelle May on mindful eating

Jon Kabat-Zinn on how mindfulness can change your life. 

A BBC podcast on mindfulness

A nice, balanced review of mindfulness research and practice by Peter Malinowski